This Site is Dedicated to the
Memory of
My Best Friend and Love,
"Schotzy Frank Wich Wayd Hego" Born Sept 18th, 1990 - Died August 28th, 1999
"If there are no Doxies in heaven, I shall not go." Mark Twain, Timothy Patterson
Yes, Tim has to admit, he did have a favorite
Dachshund, SCHOTZY. This entire site is
dedicated the love and life of SCHOTZY.
All the Doxies are everyones favorite.
"SCUD Puppy"
When Schotzy was a puppy, he would come
flying through the air and land in bed, and you
can just imagine where he would land. Ouch!
This would happen as I watch the Scud Missles
during the Gulf War.
"Pretty Boy ?"
There were times when Schotzy would be
frightend by something and hide. He would become concerned and not come when called. To get him to break out
of this fear I would call to him and ask, "are you a pretty boy". After repeating this a few times, he would slowly come to me and get a big rubdown and a hug.
He would then feel very special. He always liked that.
"A Wide Mouth Doxie"
People would often comment on how beautiful
a Dachshund Schotzy was. They would ask,
"what is different about him ?" To which I
would reply, "he has a wide mouth."
Dachshunds that have
owned the Pattersons.
Share pictures and stories
of our special Dachshunds.